Modern Document Storage Solutions


No matter what type of business, documents accumulated on a daily basis, and while we want access to recent copies, older items must be filed away. As time goes by, this can cause quite a logistical problem, as the ever expanding lines of filing cabinets must be accommodated. Fortunately, there are digital solutions, and with many companies already using digital storage, it is time to consider eliminating paper from the system.

The Process

If a company wishes to make the switch to a digital format, all of the documents would need to be scanned first. There are specialist companies who can offer the client a range of options, which might include either the destruction of scanned documents, or perhaps off-site storage facilities. If your business is UK based, take a look at, who are market leaders in this particular field.


Depending on your file format preferences, all documents would be scanned and the files suitably stored. The paper documents would then either be shredded or taken to an off-site storage facility, which gives you a lot of extra space now that all the filing cabinets are no longer needed.

Document Destruction

Shredding is the most thorough way to ensure that confidential information is permanently destroyed, and if the shredded paper is then buried in a landfill site, this is even more secure. If you are looking to sherd many critical documents, it pays to work with a registered company, one that has the necessary license to perform such tasks.

Cloud Based Solutions

Many businesses are already using cloud based applications, and in that case, the digital storage would be integrated into the regular IT system, which does not disrupt your business activities in any way. If you have yet to enjoy the many benefits of cloud, the company would be able to set up a system, and all of your data is protected and secure, and also available to authorised people in any location.

Eco-Friendly Practices

We are all striving to do our bit to help reduce the negative impact on our planet, and by switching to a digital document system, you are eliminating the need for paper, which must be good for the environment, as less trees are required. Once you have made the change, daily office practices will become faster and smoother, as staff no longer need to thumb through filing cabinets to locate a document, they can bring it up on their workstation screen.

Streamline the Process

Having everything in digital format really does streamline the administration process, and with every document stored in the correct place, all your staff can have instant access to whatever they need.

Productivity is likely to improve, and as the staff become more proficient, things will speed up considerably, not to mention the tons of extra space you now have in the office, and with the many other benefits, digital storage is the answer.

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