Cleaning Industrial Locations Requires Special Skills

A group of four workers with hardhats, including a young woman, standing side by side, looking at the camera. They are in a warehouse next to a forklift.

You have to be able to handle a variety of cleaning challenges when you take on industrial cleaning projects. That is because this type of cleaning includes the cleaning of roofs, the removal of graffiti, the washing of cladding, and the cleaning of car parks. So, each job comes with its list of challenges.

Cleaning a Car Park

For example, cleaning a car park, either inside or outside, is not an easy task as the dirt can build up fast. Not only do car parks exhibit tyre marks, oil stains, and deposits of winter salt but they also catch all the dirty drips of water that slide off parked and exiting vehicles. So, when you need a service to clean your car park, you want to make sure that it has the experience and equipment to take on this cleaning task. You can find this type of help through companies, such as Encanto Steam Cleaning Contractors.

The company that you choose then should have experience cleaning a variety of car parks including venues at retail locations, hospitals, offices, and hotels. It should use jet-washing machines to make the car park extra clean.

If your car park does not feature drains, a well-equipped cleaner should be able to use a scrubber-dryer machine to capture the water from the flooring. This type of machine can dry a floor completely after it has been cleaned.

Exterior Cleaning

Industrial cleaning in Birmingham for car parks should also include exterior cleaning. Make sure that the company you select has experience in cleaning the facades of multi-storey car parks. This is typically facilitated by using cherry pickers and a suspended cradle for accessing the outside of the building.

Because Birmingham is home to trendy bars and a network of canals, people regularly use the car parks in this West Midlands city. Therefore, cleaning is especially important for anyone who owns a car park site or facility. This is why companies, such as Encanto Steam Cleaning Contractors, are committed to this type of detailed cleaning.

Generally, a cleaning service can offer both one-off and routine cleaning contracts. For example, if you choose routine cleaning services, they normally are offered quarterly during the year. Every type of cleaning is designed to fit a business’s particular requirements.

Most of the equipment that is used to clean a car park includes the aforementioned jet-washing machines and steam pressure washers. This equipment comes with all the needed attachments. Car park cleaners can work after hours or in the evening. They can also cordon off areas to prevent any chance of an overspray.

When you use an industrial cleaner for your facility, you will greatly improve the impression that you are making with your business. After all, first impressions do count. So, if you can make use of this type of cleaning service, you will greatly benefit your business as well as your customers.

Removing Graffiti

This same type of service can also be used to remove graffiti from the exterior of your business. This type of annoyance can go away when you contact a professional cleaning company. In order to remove graffiti, a cleaning service normally relies on high-pressure steam cleaners and a special graffiti remover. This type of cleaning assistance is ideal for shopping centres, schools, hospitals, or paved locations. The use of steam cleaning also prevents damage to a wall or building. Anti-graffiti coatings can also be applied if you repeatedly get hit with this type of unwanted marking.

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