What is a Return on an Investment Really all about


For those out there who are unaware, a return on investment, (AKA an “ROI”), is an amount of money that a any type of financial vehicle will yield over its life period. It’s basically an analysis of how much money an investor will make if investing in funds or bond accounts. Features like stock fluctuations or other economic situations can create changes in it. Investors who desire a clear-cut return on their investments usually will only place funds in vehicles that are secure and that ensure a return.

Profit and Savings

  • For most people, the reason for granting the cash to an investment fund is to make some profit over time.
  • Also, to provide some long-term savings for things like retirement.
  • Nearly all investments are planned to expand over time, which means that people often withdraw more than they initially put in.
  • This type of growth is commonly referred to as a return.

Doing the Research

Normally, returns on investment is figured out by dividing the sum of financial return from an investment vehicle by the total amount of cash backing which was initially put down. The higher the rate of return, the grander the sum of money an investor will receive as either a dividend or cash return and why investors are busy looking at the White Sands Hotel & Spa Overseas Property Investment opportunity.

How is a Return Accomplished?

Dividend returns are a particular type of ROI that ensures that each investor obtains a secure return on investment based on a company’s success. For example, a company may have a productive year, and wants to further dividend offerings by 1% of 10% of all profits to each investor. And by doing so, all investors will receive the very same amount of return for contributing money into the business.

Cash returns are practically the same as dividend returns, where every lender receives a different rate of return based on their level of investment. (Also known as “shares” of what was initially provided)

For instance

  • If a company’s share is priced at $5 USD on the open market and a shareholder purchased 100 shares at $500 USD, but two weeks later the shares are then worth $600 USD.
  • That same investor will now have a rate of return of 20%, plus a financial return of $100 USD.
  • An investor who bought only $100 USD worth of stock, however, will still get a 20% return, but make a gain of only $20 USD cash back.

Risk Evaluation

Practically every investment will have at least some type of risk, and you really should consider how any risk may impact a return. And remember that, just because a fund has done well in the past, it doesn’t mean that it will continue to do so in the future!

Usually, ROIs are somewhat fluid, and investors who know this will be much less likely to be disappointed if things don’t work out as anticipated.

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