A Guide to Security Rated Doors


If you own a business in the UK and are looking for security doors, the terminology can be very confusing to a lay person. All access points to any commercial premises demand a high level of security, and with more and more UK homeowners taking steps to protect their homes, the burglar is now moving into commercial environments. There are distinct advantages for the commercial burglar, as the premises is sure to be empty after office hours, and they can generally make more noise and spend more time trying to gain access.

High Value Businesses

This type of business might have large amounts of cash on the premises, or perhaps they deal in precious metals, or even store confidential data, and anywhere that high value items are involved, you need a higher level of security. Fortunately, in the UK, there is security level certification, which is provided by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), an independent body that tests steel security doors and certifies each product.

Loss Prevention Standards (LPS)

The current LPS is 1175, and within that category, there are 8 separate levels, with 8 being the highest level and 1 the most basic. Below is a list of the levels along with a description of the type of attack tested against.

  • LPS 1 – An opportunist attack using only physical force and minimal tools.
  • LPS 2 – A determined opportunist attack using tools that offer a mechanical advantage.
  • LPS 3 – A deliberate attempt at forced entry using a wide range of attack approaches.
  • LPS 4 – Multiple experienced attempts at forced entry with a range of standard tools.
  • LPS 5 – Experienced attempts at forced entry using specialist tools.
  • LPS 6 – Professional attempts at forced entries using effective tools.
  • LPS 7 – Determined professional attempts using the best tools available.
  • LPS 8 – Extreme attempts at forced entry using all available equipment, but falling short of using vehicles, firearms, or explosives.

Security Rated Doors

There is another reference called Security Rating (SR) and this is very similar to the LPS system, with SR1 -8 classifications. Most small businesses would settle for SR4 security doors, as this would withstand a determined attempt a forced entry using a variety of approaches, which is more than enough for the average business. A small retail outlet with low value stock would require SR1, as this would withstand any opportunist attack, while a diamond dealer would insist on SR8, which stops short of explosives and firearms, and even the most experienced of thieves would not be able to penetrate this type of door.

If you need to beef up security at your business premises, there are online suppliers of security rated steel doors, and with their expert advice, you can be sure to select something suitable. Once you arrive at the website, look for LPS 1175 certification, and they should have a range of steel security doors from SR1-8, which gives you peace of mind, knowing your company is well protected against burglary.

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