Family Dental Health Guide: When to Book Appointments with Your Dentist


Dental visits should be imperative to maintaining optimal oral health. Regular brushing and flossing, no doubt, help maintain good oral health, but you need extra care which is possible only through regular visits. While visiting a dentist once in six months is crucial, there are signs or situations that make you visit the dentist often. 

The family dentist in Grand Valley is well-equipped and trained to handle any dental issue to restore oral form, function, and aesthetics. Let’s find out the signs that need you to visit a dentist. 

Who is a family dentist?

A family dentist is a specialized dental professional who offers oral care to your entire family, from infants to older members under one roof. They offer preventive and restorative treatments to restore optimal health and improve your quality of life. 

When to visit a family dentist?

Several signs and situations will help you determine when you need to visit a family dentist. These include:

  • When you have dental pain

    • Pain is the prime reason that makes you visit a dentist outside of regular appointments. 
    • Pain can include tooth pain, jaw bone, or gum pain. 
    • Dental pain can indicate tooth decay gum disease or any kind of trauma. 
  • When you have a constant dry mouth

    • Constant dry mouth can be a side effect of taking some medications or a genetic issue. 
    • Dry mouth can lead to dental problems since it makes you prone to cavities. 
  • Your teeth are loose 

    • Mobile permanent teeth are a cause of concern since they may indicate an underlying and advanced gum disease called periodontitis. 
    • Your teeth may even shift from their usual position. 
  • You are pregnant

    • Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal changes that can wreak havoc on your oral health
    • During pregnancy cavities, gum disease, and benign tumors are more likely. 
  • You notice gum changes 

    • Gum changes like bleeding while brushing, inflammation, and recession need a dental visit. 
    • It indicates the presence of advanced gum disease requiring prompt dental diagnosis and treatment. 
  • You have a bump on your gum

    • Abnormal bumps on your gums indicate the presence of infection in the tooth root. 
    • Your gums may feel sore and tender. 
  • You have problems with snoring 

    • Snoring and sleep disturbances are indicative of the presence of sleep apnea that requires dental intervention since it can be life-threatening. 

Do not delay if you notice any signs mentioned above that require prompt dental care by your family dentist. Based on your oral health and needs they may refer you to dental specialists for further evaluation and management. 

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