The Evolution of the Electronics Industry


The consumer electronics industry began in the 20th century, and quickly became a multi-billion dollar industry, with gadgets and devices filling our homes, only to be replaced with upgrades a few years later. This massive industry needs to be supplied, and the components business is an industry in itself, with manufacturers and suppliers of parts, all working together to enable the product maker to supply the increasing demand.

Designed for everyday use

Consumer electronics are designed for daily use, and the wide range of devices and gadgets that involve communications, entertainment, and productivity, are all mass produced and sold worldwide. Laptops, smartphones, digital cameras, and flat screen TV’s are just a few of the devices produced worldwide.

Supplying the manufacturers

One of the leading electronic components and parts suppliers has branches all over the world, and can source genuine parts, even with obsolete components. They have a global component distribution network, and with many years’ working with defence departments, they have a solid reputation in the industry. Very often, a company purchases a number of obsolete devices and need a supply of parts. It can be extremely difficult to locate obsolete components, but fear not, there are companies that specialise in this, and if the part is still available, they will find it.

Transistor explosion

It is estimated that there are more than one billion transistors for every person on the planet, and that isn’t counting the numerous other components that are needed to build these complex machines. With so many different brands and models, the variety of components is staggering, and to source the right parts can require specialised help.

Obsolescence program

Using advanced software to track obsolete components, a specialist supplier would be able to get up to date technical information and end of line details, which helps to source components. With pace of development what it is, the electronics industry is in a constant state of evolvement, and parts are always being modified and upgraded, making it hard to source older components.

An extensive network

An established electronic parts supplier would have a network of fellow distributors, and between them they can source anything, as long as it is still in existence. Many parts are manufactured in the Far East, and an established supplier would have connections who can investigate the origins of the shipment.

Quality assurance

This is essential when purchasing parts from another continent, as counterfeit components are a common problem, and with the supplier’s assurance, you can be confident the components are genuine and of high quality.

The future

The electronics industry is growing exponentially, and there are no signs of that slowing down, which means the logistics of supplying components will become even more complex, and the supporting companies will have to raise their game in order to deal with the ever growing demand for components. Fortunately, systems are in place to track and check on all electrical components, which means devices can be used for longer periods before becoming obsolete and recyclable.

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