The Do’s and Don’ts of Job Hunting


Job hunting can be a challenge, whether you’re still working or unemployed. You’re competing against a massive number of rivals, and you have to fight to stand out in the tsunami of resumes employers get because it is so easy for people to apply online for jobs nowadays. In this article, we’re going to give you some of the do’s and don’ts of job hunting to maximize your odds of landing a new job.

Do Leverage Every Possible Channel

Do leverage every possible channel you can to get a job. Talk to friends and family about your desire to find a new job. And make sure you attend networking events to try to get your foot in the door. Have a short elevator pitch to promote yourself to those you meet.

Try employer websites, as well as industry-specific websites. You could also try alternative sites like that list online application forms for various employers. Apply for jobs with employers of all sizes instead of focusing your efforts on the big-name employers in the area.

Don’t Fail to Be Professional in All Areas

When job hunting, you don’t want to make the mistake of not appearing to be the candidate they want to hire. Don’t let your social media profile be anything but a professional resume. Ensure that you have a professional photo of yourself on all of your social media accounts.

Don’t show up late to interviews, appear slovenly, or fail to be polite. And if you’re already employed, don’t talk to your current co-workers about your job hunt since this could lead to bad reviews at work.

Never badmouth your current employer when you’re being interviewed, since this leads the interviewer to wonder what you’d say about them somewhere else. If you’re leaving a company, don’t burn bridges. It may be tempting but avoid complaining about them on social media as well.

Do Everything to Prove You’re the Candidate They Want

Do everything you can to prove you’re the candidate they want, as long as you aren’t lying. Focus your resume on your specific accomplishments. Showcase the resume on skills and certifications the employer is seeking since this is what they’re going to skim the resume for. Include keywords that applicant tracking systems will search for before presenting the resume to the decision makers.

Create multiple versions of your resume so that you have one for each job title you’re regularly applying for. This allows you to have a resume for most jobs you find without having to rewrite your resume, again and again, to apply somewhere. Mention your willingness to travel or relocate so that you stand out from candidates that can’t. When interviewed, be pleasantly enthusiastic but honest when responding to questions.

Don’t Rush

Don’t expect to find a new job overnight. After a few weeks, consider shifting strategies, applying for different categories of jobs, or having someone else review your resume. Another mistake people make is rushing into the interview. Don’t skip your research about the company or the job itself. Do take the time to follow up on all leads.


Job hunting is almost a job in and of itself. However, you can improve the odds that you’ll land the job you want by presenting yourself as the ideal candidate while throwing a broad net without wasting your time on jobs you’d never accept.

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