3 business lessons we can learn from Hugh Hefner


Playboy founder Hugh Hefner recently passed away at the age of 91 – and he left behind more than just a huge mansion and a wardrobe full of luxurious sleepwear.
As marketing specialists Appco point out in a blog post, Hefner managed to build himself a business empire. While he was not everyone’s favourite character, there are certainly a few entrepreneurial lessons we could learn from the business mogul. Below, we take a look at three pearls of wisdom we can take from Hugh.

  1. It’s important to believe in your own brand

From the business decisions he made, to the clothes he wore, to the words he spoke, there’s no denying that Hefner lived and breathed his own brand. Much of what the Playboy founder did was in the name of his work – even if people always didn’t agree with it. In doing this, he made himself the centre of his multimillion dollar empire, demonstrating that if you want others to believe in your brand, you’ve got to believe in it yourself.

If you’re seen to be actively invested in your own business, it’s likely others will take the time to pay attention to you and the products and services you offer, which is great news for your bottom line.

  1. Always remain relevant

While the businessman always stuck to a specific set of core values, he was never afraid to change with the times. Hefner was known for reinventing himself and his magazine regularly in a bid to remain relevant and keep up with the rest of the world. As a result, he never lost momentum and instead continued to ensure his name and his business were known all over the globe.
If you’re not willing to adapt and change, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut, so it’s vital that you’re prepared to tweak and modify your business techniques to keep up to speed with what others are doing. As Appco Group point out, there are a number of things you could try, such as amending your marketing strategies or hiring policies. Sometimes, it helps to mix things up to embrace change.

  1. Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd
    When it came to his company’s unique selling point, Hefner certainly knew what made him stand out from the crowd. The business magnate launched Playboy magazine in 1953 during an extremely conservative period in history, creating a frenzy in the media over his decision to include nude photos in the publication.

It’s safe to say that Hefner was one of a kind and he was aware of what made him and his ideas unique, helping him put his business ahead of the game. When it comes to your company, Appco UK recommends thinking what makes you different from everyone else and running with it. Putting energy into whatever it is that makes you unique will help you stand out in your field.

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