Twitter – a New Marketing Medium


If you haven’t heard of Twitter before … and you’re involved in marketing … then you’re missing something very important. Twitter isn’t just a place to stay in touch with people … it’s a place to market your products and a place to learn too.

There are some very cluey marketers over there doing business every day and it has a reach like you wouldn’t believe … and it’s getting bigger every day. Even Nasa spacecraft have a presence on Twitter.

But getting out there into the Twitter world isn’t just a case of joining up and then having contact with everyone. You actually have to choose which individuals you will follow and some of those will then elect to follow you … that’s when you can have a real dialogue with those people and begin to learn as well.

So how do you get started? The first thing is to head over to Twitter and sign up. Then come back here so that you can follow this link to my Twitter page. Once you’re on my Twitter page you will be able to see who I’m following and you’ll be able to join those that interest you.

But take a tip … before you begin to start trying to market on Twitter spend a lot of time getting to know how it really works and learning from the guys who are already doing well over there – otherwise you’ll end up wasting your time.

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