Start Working Right Away with PCO Car Rental


If you are considering working as a cab driver in London, you’ll need to put two key elements in place: your PCO licence and your car. PCO stands for Public Carriage Office, the body regulating taxi and private hire in the city. If you’ve been through the process and have a PCO licence in hand, you may be hesitating because of that second factor. After all, to achieve success in the personal transport business, you’ll need a clean and reliable vehicle.

Some individuals would do perfectly well in this field if they had that vehicle ready to safely and securely take people from one location to another. Unfortunately, they can’t take advantage of the opportunities available to those who want to work for a service such as Uber because their current cars do not meet requirements. Others may hesitate to use their own cars for work purposes because they’d rather reserve them for personal use.

There’s a Way

You can arrange PCO car rental in London through a company with the major focus of providing well-maintained cars that already meet the regulations and guidelines. Not only will you have the car that you need but you’ll benefit from the extensive support program that allows you to concentrate on driving passengers successfully. Of course, the primary benefit of working with such a company is that all the vehicles are PCO-approved and ready to be used in the Uber setting.

Cars are regularly serviced and maintained to the highest standards, including brakes and tyres. Yet you don’t pay hidden or additional charges for this level of attention. You can also depend on being safe as you drive because these vehicles are fitted with the proper cameras. If you have mechanical difficulties, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that all car rental includes breakdown cover, which can get you moving again in short order. Mechanical issues are a factor that you won’t have to worry about, as the rental company also maintains a garage to make adjustments and repairs as needed.

Great Business Opportunity

For the individual who has considered starting his or her own business but hasn’t been able to because of a problem such as lack of funds, this is a great business opportunity. It’s not necessary to spend the money to purchase a newer vehicle or to accumulate kilometres on your current vehicle. Simply talk to a representative of a company specialising in PCO car hire and you can be working soon.

You’ll need to have the correct documents transmitted to Uber, naturally, but the rental company has also provided for this. Before you drive away with your car, your documents will be in the proper hands. These services are also accompanied by comprehensive insurance suitable for the private hire industry. It’s also common for the vehicle provider to offer a range of contract types – weekly, monthly, or three months if you so desire.

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