Plymouth – A Great Place to Explore


If you aren’t from these parts, the West Country holds a mystical charm that never ceases to attract tourists from all over the world, and even the locals are smitten by this coastal city that is packed full of attractions. Plymouth Hoe is a grassy headland that Sir Francis Drake one looked out at the Spanish fleet, and there is a maritime museum in remembrance of the many who perished in the two world wars.

A strong history

Plymouth has always been a naval port, and was very much the centre of the industrial revolution. The port was the departing point for the Pilgrim Fathers who made that epic journey to the New World, and in later years was the main port for Atlantic crossings.

The healthy outdoors

The Plymouth lifestyle is relaxed and very much outdoors, with the mild southern climate and the coastal breeze, making it a healthy place to be. There are many fine restaurants and antique shopping areas on the waterfront, and if you are interested in naval history, Plymouth is the place for you. The Barbican is a great area to spend some time, with cobbled streets lined with Tudor buildings. This is the place where the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for America, and you can still see the original passenger list on the side of the nearby Island House.

Plymouth Gin Distillery

This establishment has been producing gin since 1793, making it the oldest spirit distillery in the world. There are tours for those who are interested in how gin is produced, and with some tasting sessions, one can enjoy the finest gin before heading off to the cocktail lounge for a gin and tonic.

Asian cuisine

If you like Thai and Chinese food, why not take a stroll down Sutton Harbour, where street vendors sell their wares. The variety includes mix and match curries and lots of vegetarian dishes.

The Theatre Royal

This establishment is a leading promoter of arts in the south west and regularly hosts ballet and plays performed by noted actors and actresses. Definitely a place for the art lovers, and with many classy restaurants nearby, one can really make an evening of it.

The National Marine Aquarium

This is located near the Barbican, and houses more than 400 marine species, making it the largest aquarium in the UK. There are four main areas of the aquarium that cover UK marine life, and with the Blue Planet, you can experience the Great Barrier Reef. The aquarium is a great place for children to learn about marine life and also conservation, and there are daily guided tours.

Listed buildings

Plymouth has a concentrated area full of listed buildings, making it ideal for lovers of fine architecture. Walking down the grand streets is like going back in time, and with the friendly locals, the experience of Plymouth is one not to be missed. Whether you come for a day, or stay for a week, there is so much to do, you’ll never be bored.

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