How to Create a Good Affiliate Program for a Jewelry Store


Affiliate programming has been known to have a rather interesting positive impact on the sales of online stores. For jewellery website stores like, it has been statistically proven that 5% of the visitors directed to the website by affiliate links have got converted into customers. Hence it is a very effective method of marketing any web store.

But building a good affiliate program is probably the hardest part of this strategy. In order to build up a good affiliate marketing program, the following tips and tricks should be considered:

  • Guidelines

Strong guidelines need to be created by the online jewellery website so that the affiliates are clear with the fundamentals of the program. The availability of clear guidelines has two benefits:

  • Affiliates can drive good quality traffic to the concerned website and
  • There will be no chance of getting penalized for using black hat marketing strategies.
  • Work closely

Affiliate marketing programs are not about engaging affiliates and forgetting about them. Every website owner especially ones that are associated with gems and jewelry like PearlsOnly need to work very closely with their affiliates especially in the initial stages. This helps set the perspectives and priorities in order thereby generating more revenue for the business.

  • Tiered affiliate program

This helps to maintain the engagement level of the affiliate marketers since they are able to get higher incentives as they achieve milestones set for them. Money is a great motivator and affiliates need to be paid on time.

  • Customer involvement

Using an already available customer base to get referrals in lieu of cash incentives also helps to increase the online web store’s database. An email with an interesting title announcing the incentive will help pique the interest of the customers and also get the website referrals in record time.

While the affiliate marketing program is a proven strategy for increasing web traffic and generating better revenues, it needs to be bolstered by ensuring that the online jewellery website is properly optimized so that web traffic can be redirected to them. Other associated marketing programs also need to be run parallelly so that the website benefits from all sides.

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