GWC Valve Inc: Entering Sports


GWC Valve Inc. is a corporation that is based on the production of valves for various reasons. They own and operate many other little companies to help advance their tech for their main industry, which is plumbing. However, GWC Valve has been thinking about entering sports industry. Not particularly in producing and selling equipment but purchasing a team. Specifically a baseball team.

The owner of GWC Valve Inc. has always been fond of owning a sports franchise. He’s huge on sports but also believes its a good way to advertise their company to the world. Since the plumbing world is very limited to people who work within the industry, they want to reach out to homeowners and be able to sell their products commercially. Since the recession is affecting many corporations, they are being forced to decrease prices in order to survive within their respected market. The company needs a new source of income and the combination of a sports team and commercial sales will most likely boost their revenues.

GWC Valve Inc. intends to market their company through a baseball team. They baseball team will in fact generate a great some of money but that capital will be reinvested within the team. The baseball team will work as a catalyst in bringing in many spectators and be exposed to various ads about GWC Valve.

Entering Sports

The ads will consist of their new product lines, which will be found in major retailers across the nation. Also, they will hold little lotteries at the games so they can win a free gift card at certain retailers for $200.00 to $1000.00. They will also have raffles to have a chance to win a day with the team to train with them and finish off the evening with an extravagant dinner. GWC Valve Inc. realizes they need to reach out to the general population the best they can because if they intend on advancing with their business, they need to evolve and sell products directly to the people instead of contractors.

GWC Valve Inc. also plans on creating a small plumbing firm to help homeowners with their plumbing needs. Many contractors will not be happy with a new major player in their market; however, they are planning to sell their products at a major discount to the other contractors. Eventually their goal is to buy most of the major contractors and employ them under their name but that’s a long-term goal. First they need to acquire a baseball team to their plan started.

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