Frequently Asked Questions about Scale Calibration


Weighing scales used in any trade have to undergo regular calibration. It is not sufficient to leave these instruments unchecked as their performance may suffer due to a variety of factors. For instance, industrial type scales exposed to harsh working conditions may require more frequent calibration than a bench-scale used at a retail store. In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about scale calibration.

Why is there a need to calibrate a weighing scale?

Calibration is necessary to guarantee accurate readings. If you ignore the need to have weighing scales serviced, then measurements will suffer and you cannot meet quality standards. For a business owner, this is considered negligent and irresponsible practice.

Over time, the measurements of a scale will become unreliable due to wear and tear. Moreover, if the device is exposed to shock and other hazardous elements, it is likely to deteriorate faster. If you want to extend the life of your weighing device, you need to schedule routine calibration and testing.

What are the benefits of regular scale calibration?

Regular calibration done by an expert provider has the following advantages:

  • When weighing instruments are calibrated, you can avoid product recalls and delays in production.
  • Since your measurements are reliable, you are confident that readings are also correct anywhere in the supply chain.
  • Regular calibration also allows you to keep tabs on company equipment and know when it is time to replace old or broken instruments.

Most importantly, you can maintain quality standards and improve processes that are all beneficial to the company’s bottom line.

How often do you need to calibrate?

The frequency of calibration depends on the underlying risks associated with the working environment. High-risk conditions require more frequent scale calibration. The calibration provider gives a certificate to the owner which indicates the validity of the report. Nonetheless, you may choose to have weighing scales calibrated more often if you deem it necessary based on underlying circumstances.

What is a balance calibration tolerance?

Tolerances refer to the specific criteria that determine whether a calibration fails or passes. These are based on industry standards and process regulations. For example, there are specific legal tolerances that apply depending on your trade. These also vary from one country to another.

Is adjustment the same as calibration?

Adjusting a scale is not the same as calibrating a scale. When you adjust the scale specification, you simply want the readings to meet the standards. On the other, calibration is the process of understanding how the device behaves. As such, an integral part of calibrating a scale requires determining measurement uncertainties.

What else can you do to ensure accurate measurements?

In addition to routine calibration performed by an expert, you also need to test the instrument from time to time. When you test the device, you can also detect potential problems earlier and make the necessary fix before any further damage is done. Hence, due diligence is necessary on the part of the owner to maintain accurate measurement and optimum scale performance.

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