Applying for home extension loan – Things to Do


With owning a home comes responsibility. From maintaining it to investing into it, you need to ensure that your dream home remains a dream home forever. This is why you would need to undertake tasks such as extension/re-construction every few years to keep up with the changing times. And with home extension loan at your disposal, it is easy too now.

Having a home is a dream come true but maintaining it can be tricky in its own way. As you constantly change and upgrade your home to ensure that it is up to your tastes, it should also be noted that the space you might have thought was ample previously might not be the same, especially if your family is growing.

Extension loans are an excellent way to add bedrooms, balconies and other rooms to your home and design it exactly the way you want it to be. But, how do you apply for an extension loan?

  • Check eligibility

Before you go ahead and apply for a loan, it is mandatory to check your eligibility criteria. This will help you understand if you have all the documents needed to apply for a home extension loan. Most of the banks and other financial institutions might have different kinds of criteria so before you apply, make sure you do your research and find the one that suits your situation the best. It will definitely be easier to get the kind of extension loan you need.

  • Documentation

When it comes to any kind of loan, the documentation process can be long and taxing. Most of the banks and financial institutions want to see documentation regarding your job, your salary slips, your age, proof of residence and a lot more before they decide to approve your loan. So, in case you want to have a smooth documentation process, it is better to find out what they need beforehand and keep it ready!

  • Helplines

Another way to apply for a extension loan is to call up the bank or the financial institution’s helplines. Most of the financial institutions know that it can be a hassle for the loan taker to constantly come to the bank or the office for multiple rounds of approval which is why telephonic loans have become quite popular. In case you do not have the time to visit the center, you can easily call up the helpline and apply for a loan, provided you have your documents and details ready to go!

  • Online

Applying for extension loans are extremely easy thanks to the internet nowadays. Most of the online banking and financial institutions have websites where you can apply for the kind of loan you need and upload your documents straight to their server. With a secure connection and quick checks, your loan can be approved within minutes!

Processing fees and charges

Many banking institutions have processing fees for the loan amount that has been approved. This can either be paid by you beforehand or will be cut from your loan amount when you get the money. It makes the application go through faster!

Applying for a home extension loan is not too hard to do. With multiple options to apply such as telephonic, online and physical banking centers, you can definitely get your loan approved within days as long as you have everything ready to go!

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