5 Remote Training Tips for Ultimate Success


2020 has disrupted many activities that most people took for granted, like in-person learning and training. Some employees prefer learning from home, but it doesn’t come without its challenges.

According to research from the American Psychological Association, effective remote training starts with having the right setup, including devices with internet capabilities and a comfortable working environment. However, the right resources can only get you so far – to truly succeed, it will take even more.

Keep reading this guide to learn the top remote training tips that will get your team ready to take on even thae toughest days at work.

  1. Keep It Engaging

Engagement is critical when it comes to learning – without it, your employees will just be staring at the screen, thinking, “when will this be over.” To avoid that situation, it’s going to take some creativity and maybe a little extra time in your schedule.

One way to keep employees engaged is by utilizing a learning management system. These types of software allow you to set up training courses and track how well your employees are doing. Don’t settle for anything less than the best learning management system, as they will typically come loaded with extra features, like gamification that will keep employees engaged and on track to succeed.

  1. Make It Accessible

If employees can’t access it, what’s the point? It’s important to ensure each employee has access to the training courses. You can do so by sending a welcome email that has a link to the portal where they would sign in and instructing them to do so beforehand to avoid any mishaps.

If you are using remote training software, it’s recommended to double-check and make sure the material will be viewable on any screen (mobile, tablet, laptop). Holding an introductory orientation is also a good idea to ensure the entire class is on the same page.

  1. Create an Agenda

Developing an agenda is one of the best remote training tips to keep everyone on the same page and gives trainees a basic understanding of what they will be learning. It can be as simple as creating topics for each day and briefly explaining what they will be learning on that given day.

If you want to take it a step further, you can create daily checklists for trainees to refer to and complete as they go through their training courses.

  1. Offer Support

A major disadvantage of remote learning is not having the set-aside time you normally would have in person to go over questions employees may have. Offering support can make a significant difference in how some people learn. You can do so by setting time aside after class to go over any questions or giving out an email address that they can contact.

Looking for More Information on Remote Training?

At least for now, it seems companies will continue to implement remote training into their work environment to keep employees safe and follow COVID guidelines. Learning remotely doesn’t have to be a hassle. New technology is connecting people in ways we never imagined possible.

If you are looking for more information on remote training, or other business advice, check out the rest of our blog!

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